Transition to climate neutrality

General Directorate of State Aid and European Funds

Politica de confidențialitate și cookie - Parc Verde

Privacy policy and cookie


By visiting this website, you accept the conditions below.


The website (“Green Park” or “The Site”) is provided by the companies Ișalnița Photovoltaic Park, Tismana Photovoltaic Park 1, Rovinari Photovoltaic Park, Tismana Solarist Photovoltaic Park 2 hereinafter referred to as “The Companies“, in its capacity as owners, publishers and producers thereof, with the main offices located in Targu-Jiu, Victoriei Street, No. 22, Office 1,2,3,4, Parter, Gorj County, e-mail addresses:,,,

The following does not apply to the extent that it violates the law in force.

We make every effort to protect the confidentiality of your personal data by complying with the rules and regulations in force on data protection, including the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on Data Protection (“GDPR”).

This policy, together with the Terms and Conditions of this website and all the documents referred to in this policy are intended to inform you about the personal data that we collect from you or that you communicate to us through this website, as well as how we will process this data. Please read the following carefully to understand our opinions and practices regarding your personal data and how to process it.


1. Who are we?

The data controller are the Companies, as presented above.  Also, on our website, you can identify and access information OMV Petrom Group HERE.


2. What types of personal data do we process, for what purposes, and for what reasons?

In the process of operating this website, companies collect certain information (“personal data”) relating to identified or identifiable natural persons, data provided by users of this website directly (e.g. name, surname, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number) or indirectly (e.g. IP address). Below you can find information related to certain purposes for which we process personal data based on the legal reasons indicated for each of the following:


2.1. Navigation of the website. Use of cookies

When you visit our website, we use cookies to automatically collect technical information to identify the user, such as the IP address, the type of internet browser used to browse our website, the operating system, the name, or the domain host through which the user navigates the site.

The main purpose of cookies is to provide you with a better browsing experience, but also for advertising purposes, to provide you with content tailored to your interests and preferences. We, therefore, use cookies to provide you with a personalized and relevant browsing experience on our website and to understand how you interact with our advertising content.

For more information on the use of cookies on this website and the purposes for which they are used, but also on the possibilities to control and /or disable these modules, please refer to our cookie policy.


2.2. Answering questions, requests, or complaints

We process your personal data. personal information, such as your first and last name, email address, telephone number, and any other information or details that you communicate to us in correspondence to respond to your questions, complaints, or requests, depending on the communication channel through which you contact us, as described below.

When you visit our website, we use certain cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the website.

Purpose Legal basis
Answering questions, complaints, or requests by electronic mail (e-mail) at the following e-mail addresses:,,, The processing is based on a legitimate interest, which allows us to provide answers to your questions, complaints, or requests


2.3. Promotional campaigns

We process the personal data collected from you. by filling in the participation forms on the site or similar forms to organize promotional campaigns and/or contests or to award prizes to the winners of promotional campaigns, but also to analyze the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns. Your participation in these promotional campaigns and/or contests is voluntary. Therefore, you are the only one who has done this. you are the one who decides whether you provide us with personal data by filling in forms on our website or similar forms for promotional campaigns or contests.

Purpose Legal basis
a. Organisation of promotional campaigns and/or contests Legitimate interest, the performance of the contract with you, consent
b. Processing the data of the winners of the promotional campaigns to award the prizes Legitimate interest, consent


2.4. Direct marketing communications

We may process personal data to inform you about products and services, promotional offers, or for subscribing to the newsletter. As a general rule, these personal data will only be processed for direct marketing purposes with your consent. and by using the communication channels (email, sms, etc.) that you have indicated at the time of giving your consent. However, if you have provided us with your IP address, you will not be able to provide us with your IP address. when purchasing a product or service of ours, we may use the email address in accordance with the legal provisions in force that allow us to present you with commercial communications regarding similar products or services, based on our legitimate interest in this regard; in such a case, at the time of obtaining your email address. of email and thereafter, for each commercial message we send you, we will give you the option to oppose this type of use of the email address (unsubscribe).

Purpose Categories of processed data Legal basis
a. Commercial communications concerning similar products or services E-mail address, name, surname, telephone number, provided when purchasing a product or service of the company Legitimate interest, consent
b. Other direct marketing communications Those provided by you at the time of consent, e.g. name and surname, email address, telephone number consent


2.5. Surveys, customer satisfaction assessment studies, and customer feedback

We will process your personal data. personal information when you decide to participate in our surveys or market studies, in customer satisfaction assessment studies, or when you provide feedback on our products and services. This personal data will be processed for the above purpose only with your consent, taking into account also our legitimate interest in understanding the needs and expectations of customers regarding our products and services. Your participation in these studies is voluntary. Therefore, it is up to you. provide us with personal data (first and last name, information about preferences and shopping habits, or other personal data that you may provide) by filling in the participation forms on our website or similar forms made available for those surveys or studies.

Purpose Legal basis
Surveys or market studies, customer satisfaction surveys or providing feedback on our products and services consent, legitimate interest


3. Conclusion and performance of contracts

The company processes your personal data. personal data provided to conclude and execute the contract with you. or with the company of which you are a representative/contact person. At the same time, during the contractual relationship, we communicate with you. to ensure the smooth running of the commercial relationship.

Purpose Temei juridic
Conclusion and performance of contracts Performance of the contract with you (natural person) and taking steps at your request to conclude the contract, Legitimate interest in carrying out our commercial activity in connection with the conclusion and execution of contracts and communication with the contractual partner for this purpose, when the contractual relationship is established with the company whose representative/contact person you are


4. Automated decision-making and automatic profiling

The personal data mentioned herein are not subject to automated decision-making processes, including profiling.


5. To whom do we communicate your personal data personal?

To fulfill the purposes described above, the Company uses the services of several contractors.

Some of these are individual data controllers, such as Google or Facebook. Other contractors are our processors related to the processing of personal data.

Another category of contractors is third parties who do not process the data but can access it in the performance of their duties or relations with the Company, such as maintenance, financial, or audit service providers.

The personal data indicated above may also be made available to third parties in the following situations: (i) public authorities, auditors, or competent institutions with powers to carry out inspections of the company’s activity or assets, which require the company to provide information under its legal obligation. Such public authorities or institutions can be ; (ii) to meet a legal requirement or protect the rights and assets of our company or other entities or persons, such as courts of law; (iii) to third-party acquirers, to the extent that the company’s activity will be (totally or partially) transferred and the data of the data subjects will be part of the assets representing the object of the transaction. Further, for the processing presented above, we may communicate your personal data to the companies OMV Petrom SA and Complexul Energetic Oltenia

The persons and entities to which we may communicate personal data are the following:

  1. a) To browse the site and the use of cookies, we may transmit personal data to analysts and search engine providers, so that they can provide maintenance services for our website;
  2. b) To respond to your questions, requests, or complaints, we may transmit your personal data. personal data to our service providers (including call centers);
  3. c) For the organization and management of promotional campaigns and the analysis of their effectiveness, we may transmit your personal data. personal data to advertisers and marketers and digital or social media agencies or other proxies;
  4. d) For direct marketing communications, we may transmit personal data to advertisers and marketing agencies or other processors who transmit communications on our behalf;
  5. e) To conduct surveys, market research, customer satisfaction surveys or to obtain customer feedback for our products or services, we may communicate personal data to survey or market research providers/customer support services.
  6. f) For the conclusion and execution of contracts we may communicate your personal data. to empowered service providers.

The above data can be made available to the above-mentioned third parties as well as in certain cases, at the disposal of omv petrom sa and complexul energetic Oltenia.


6. Transfer of personal data abroad

In the context of the operations described above, your personal data will not be affected. Personal data may be transferred abroad, to states of the European Union (“EU”), or from the European Economic Area (“EEA”).

Please be advised that any transfer made by the company to an EU or EEA member state will comply with the requirements of the GDPR.

If personal data are transferred to states that do not provide sufficient protection for the processing of personal data, contracts will be concluded to guarantee compliance with the legal provisions.


7. Retention period of personal data

We will retain your personal data. personal data only for the period necessary for processing presented above and in compliance with the legal provisions in force. If the Companies consider that you have a legitimate interest or a legal obligation to process your personal data for other purposes, you will be informed about this.

We consider that the processing activities presented above will require the storage of personal data for the following periods:

Purpose Duration
1. Site navigation and use of cookies in accordance with the Cookie Policy
2. Answering questions, requests, or complaints subsequently, according to the archiving rules and for the protection of legitimate interests
3. Organization and management of promotional companies, personal data for the period necessary to handle the complaint and subsequently, in accordance with the archiving rules and for the protection of legitimate interests
4. Direct marketing communications Until the withdrawal of consent/ unsubscribing
5. Conducting surveys or market research, customer satisfaction assessment studies, or obtaining feedback on our products and services For the time needed to achieve the purpose of the survey, which will be determined according to the draft survey
6. Conclusion and performance of contracts During the performance of the contract and subsequently according to the archiving rules as well as during the limitation period of the right of action


8. Data processing of children under the age of 18

All aspects of personal data presented in this document relate exclusively to persons who are at least 18 years of age. The use of the systems and the results of the processing is conditioned for minors between 14 and 18 years of age both by their consent and that of their parents / legal guardians and prohibited for children under 14 years of age unless the parents / legal guardians have themselves expressed consent to such processing. If such processing takes place despite our reasonable efforts to prevent them, they will cease when we are notified that users are under the age mentioned above.


9. Security of data processing

The Company informs you that it constantly evaluates and updates the security measures implemented to ensure safe and secure processing of personal data.


10. Rights of data subjects

In the context of the processing of your personal data. With your personal character, you have the following rights:

    1. The right to access the processed personal data: you have the right to obtain a confirmation if your data is processed and, if the answer is yes, to receive access to the type of personal data and to the conditions of processing, by sending a request for this purpose to the data controller;
    2. The right to request the rectification or erasure of personal data: you can request, by submitting a request for this purpose to the data controller, the correction of incorrect personal data, the completion of incomplete data, or the deletion of personal data in the following cases (i) the data are no longer needed for the original purpose (and there is no new legal purpose), (ii) the legal basis for the processing is the data subject’s consent, the data subject withdraws his or her consent, and there are no other legal reasons, (iii) the data subject exercises his or her right to object and the data controller has no other reason to continue the processing, (iv) the data have been unlawfully processed, (v) the deletion is necessary for compliance with EU or Romanian law, or (vi) the data have been collected in connection with information society services provided to children (where applicable), to whom specific requirements for the granting of consent apply;
    3. The right to request the restriction of processing: you have the right to obtain restriction of processing in cases where: (i) you consider that the personal data processed are inaccurate, for a period that allows the controller to verify the correctness of the personal data; (ii) the processing is unlawful, but you do not want us to delete your data but only restrict its use; (iii) if the data controller no longer needs your personal data; for the above purposes, but you will not be able to do so. you need data to establish, exercise or defend a legal right, or (iv) you have objected to the processing pending verification of whether the data controller’s legitimate reasons prevail over those of the data subject;
    4. The right to withdraw your consent to processing when the processing takes place based on consent, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out until that moment;
    5. The right to object to data processing for reasons related to your specific situation, when the processing is based on legitimate interest, and to object at any time to the processing of data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling;
    6. The right not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning the data subject or similarly affects him or her to a significant extent;
    7. The right to data portability, meaning the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to the controller in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and the right to transmit this data to another controller, if the processing is based on your consent or according to a contract and is carried out by automated means;
    8. The right to submit complaints to the data protection authority and the right to address them to a competent court.

The above rights can be exercised at any time. If you wish to withdraw your consent for direct marketing purposes, you can use the “unsubscribe” option available in marketing messages


11. Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be amended and updated from time to time by the Company when necessary. Companies will inform you of all material changes to this policy and inform you in a manner that allows you to confirm their receipt, for example by using the email address you have communicated to us or any other appropriate means of communication.


12. Contact

Any questions on these topics may be referred to the data controller at the following address:

Data Protection Officer, Petrom City, Str. Coralilor, nr. 22, sector 1, 013329 Bucharest, Romania,


13. Cookie Policy


13.1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small packet of data that saves this website in your web browser if you allow it. You can refuse the use of cookies at any time entirely from your browser’s web settings and also delete existing cookies.


13.2. How do we use cookies?

Our website uses cookies for the following purposes:

  1. to ensure the proper functionality of the site and increase its performance;
  2. to remember user actions and preferences


13.3. How do we control cookies?

Most browsers support cookies, but users can set their browsers to reject them and delete them whenever they want. If you do not use our cookies, part of the content, services, and functions may not work.


13.4. What modules do we use on this website?


13.4.1. Strictly necessary cookies that are mandatory for the proper functioning of our website. This includes, for example, cookies that allow you to access protected areas of our website.


13.4.2. Analytical/performance cookies, which allow us to recognize and count visitors and find out how they use our site. These types of modules allow us to improve the browsing experience of users on our website so that they can more easily find the information they need.



The companies use a wide range of services offered by Google Ireland Limited, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, which also processes data on behalf of the Companies according to Art. 28 GDPR. The purpose and scope of the application are described in detail below.

For the purpose and scope of the processing of personal data by Google and your rights and possibilities. To change your privacy settings, please refer to the privacy policy of Google

In Google’s privacy policy, as well as in the companies’ privacy policy, you can find more information about the following cookies mentioned.

The data collected by Google is evaluated on behalf of the Companies to analyze the use of our website. According to Google, the (anonymized) IP address is transmitted by your browser. it’s not merged with other Google data. A merger can only happen if the IP address is not transmitted anonymously and you are logged into your account. Google.

Google Analytics is used on website to evaluate the use of our website, as well as to optimize our online presence. For this purpose, Google uses Cookies. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the website such as browser type/version, operating system, previously visited page, IP address, and server request time is usually transferred to a Google server and stored there.

Companies use Google Ads to collect data about your activities. that does not personally or directly identify you when you visit our website or other websites and online services where we display advertisements. This information may include the content you view, the date and time you view the content, the products you purchase, or information about the location associated with your IP address. IP. We collect information about where you saw the ads we run and which ads you clicked on. We use the information we collect to provide you with more relevant ads (an activity called “Retargeting”).

Companies use Google Tag Manager as the tag management tool (“tags”) of websites on a dashboard. The tags are used for tracking in online marketing. The tag manager itself is a domain without a cookie and does not process personal data, as it is only used to manage other Google marketing services in our online offer. Tag Manager ensures that other tags are triggered, which can collect data. However, Tag Manager does not access this data. If there has been a domain-wide deactivation or cookie, disabling remains for all tracking tags that are implemented through Tag Manager.


More information about the cookies used on our website can be found in our Cookie Policy embedded in our Cookie banner.



We collect information from you as a user of our website by using cookies to make our website more user-friendly, efficient, and secure. This includes your IP address. IP (anonymized), browser type, language settings, operating system, device type, domain name, domain host, date, and time. The legal basis for this is your consent, which you express through the appropriate settings of your browser or device, to enable cookies or by choosing the respective settings from our Cookie banner. This consent can be revoked at any time. The setting of cookies is according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR and is also based on our legitimate interest, to the extent that it is necessary from a technical point of view to use the services offered to which you have access.


More information about the use of cookies on this website, their purposes, and your choices. You can control or block cookies you can find in our Cookie banner. We currently use the following cookies:


This website uses cookies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social networking features, and analyze traffic. We also provide social networking, advertising, and analytics partners with information about how you use our website. They may combine it with other information you provided or collected as a result of using their services.

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make their use more efficient.

The law stipulates that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this website. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission.

This website uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on our pages.


You may, at any time, modify or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Statement on our website.

Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us, and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.

When contacting us about your consent, please specify your  ID

Your consent shall apply to the following areas:

Your current state: Reject.

Consent ID: o0Fs7pL7q2hxuavDdi+AI5Va4C9hWCjxYKnPdUpsGezb/2CinLGNeg==

Consent date: Monday, April 3, 2023, at 11:43:44 AM EEST


Change your consent

Cookie statement last updated on 3/30/23 by Cookiebot:


Required (1)


The necessary cookies help make a site usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the site. The site cannot function properly without these cookies.



CookieConsentCookiebotStores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain1 an HTTP Cookie